Beautiful Dragonfly Mandala Insect Illustration

EllaVie is an artist, musician, mystic, writer, ceremonialist, yogi and facilitator for heart spaces. She weaves music, dance, embodiment, tantra, yoga and mindfulness into all her creations and empowers women to reclaim their authentic selves through embodying the 7 feminine archetypes.

Her work is inspired by Life, Nature, Love, Yoga, Tantra, Shamanism, Sacred Intimacy and Feminine Embodiment. She creates ritualistic spaces for transformation and healing, through the integration of the feminine & masculine within.


“Growing up with a father that told me it wasn’t safe to be a woman in this world I quickly began to dissociate from my body and my emotions to live and experience the world through the filters of my mind. I went to university finished my Bachelor & Master degrees in Communication and realized that what I was longing for wasn’t found in the system.

So 2009 I travelled from Mexico to Panama and found my heart in a spiritual awakening. My materialistic world view fell into a million pieces and I was guided into the depth of my own Soul through the medicine of plants and shamanic, yogic & tantric teachings.

This path has been healing me on so many different levels...

Instead of counting calories or training obsessively I really began to love and honor my body as a temple. I started to feel home inside of my own skin. Now I eat intuitively train in moderation and take care without obsessing over weight or appearance.

Instead of loosing myself in emotional drama and recycling my emotions, I learnt to hold space for my depth to feel, express and release emotions through art, music and wild feminine embodiment.

Instead of staying in unhealthy relationship dynamics I began to dismantle my codependent People Pleaser patterns and cultivated a secure attachment style. I love and honor myself and my desires & boundaries while cultivating authentic and deep relationships which really concern the essence.

Instead of depending on my partner for safety, appreciation, love and pleasure I began to fully own all of this by reclaiming the “healthy masculine” within me.

Instead of allowing comparison and jealously to sabotage my relationships to other women, I now create transformational healing caldrons for our collective growth to heal our sisterwounds in order to unit our powers.

Instead of keeping myself small and staying in victim consciousness I now choose to overcome all limiting beliefs to unleash my wild & uncensored self. I am constantly writing, speaking and singing “my” truth into this world and keep on expressing my Soul through all my creations.

The essemce of life has led me to

the path of pleasure power & purpose.


While Embodiment Practices support us to feel home inside of our own skin, we open the portal

towards the deeper layers of feeling and healing.

Through sensuality and erotic embodiment

we begin to liberate our sexuality

and come back to our natural orgasmicness,

which opens us to the innate power of shakti within.


As the fire of transformation illuminates our path

we begin to discern what is in alignment

with the truth of our heart.

This fire cuts trough all the bullshit.

It transforms whatever is not concerning the essence. We begin to live life in integrity with our heart.


Purpose is less about what we achieve in life

and more about how we live it.

It is our unique Soul frequency

that we begin to weave into the fabric of existence. By surrendering to the higher intelligence of the heart we live in devotion to Love & Truth within.

Whatever we create from this state

becomes our own medicine that we can share with the world. In this way our “mess” becomes our message and our pain a catalyst

for our collective awakening.

THE Mission

I am in service to love and truth and here to encourage you to live life beyond your wildest dreams. What that means?

To empower you...

  • …to trust your body and reclaim your aliveness
  • …to embrace your emotions to experience pleasure & bliss
  • …to free your voice to express your authentic self
  • …to open your heart to reclaim abundance
  • …to trust your inner guidance to be led by love
  • …to silence your mind to tap into your inner wisdom
  • …to dive into the mystery that you are to become a vessle for Love

In essence I wanna make you fall in love

with the magic

that you already are.

THE Vision

“Imagine a world where we connect from heart to heart, ​empowering each other to share our gifts and cocreate safe and ​brave spaces for our real and raw self-expression.”

Imagine a world where we fully embrace our vulnerability and use ​our emotions as a catalyst for our own liberation and healing.”

Imagine a world where we remember that we can trust ourselves, ​each other and life and remember that we are here to cocreate ​paradies.”

“Imagine a world where we remember that our thoughts, feelings, ​words and actions determine our individual and collective ​experience.”

Imagine a world where we as humanity become the guardians of ​the earth and remember that we are one with all of life.“


There are many different ways to work with me...



You wanna be guided and supported to feel through your emotional depth?

You need a ritualistic space to let go and surrender? Or you long to be guided back home towards your hearts calling and purpose?



You wanna experience sisterhood and wild feminine embodiment in a group? You wanna learn to hold space and surrender to be held by other women? You wanna get in touch with the magic of Cacao, music, dance and feminine juiciness?


You wanna come back home to your body to connect to the wild feminine? You desire healthy relationships and wanna connect to your sovereign self? You long to bring more pleasure, power & purpose into your life to feel whole from within?



You wanna connect and celebrate life in a conscious way? Express your wild essence through movement and dance? You love a good soundsystem and see music as a way to bring yourself back to flow freely?



You wanna experience the medicine of Cacao ​and community? You long for heart ​connections, music, celebration and depth? ​You wanna get to know how to use shamanic ​rituals to open a sacred space?



You wanna reconnect to the Wild Feminine ​within? Rediscover the different fragrances of ​being a woman? Than it’s time to tap into the ​magic of the 7 feminine archetypes: the ​maiden, the lover, the wild woman, the mother, ​the queen, the wise & the mystic...