


Wild Feminine





Wild Feminine


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We are the Medicine!

All we need to do is to remember that there is a far greater force in charge. When we allow ourselves to surrender, to reveal the sacred, the wild the untamed essence of love that we all truly are. We are here to create magic!

Beautiful Dragonfly Mandala Insect Illustration

Surfmysoul Podcast

Creativity is the greatest

Rebellion in Existence



cacao Magic







Ecstatic Dance





DJ Sets

Haptik & EllaVie

Together with my partner Pablo Giuggioloni aka. Haptik we fuse medicine vibes into groovy rhythms and beats that make you flow, feel, shake & dance.

Music is a magic spell: We use it to weave love into the collective field while embracing the totality of our human experience.

Bridging: shadow & light, play & prayer, club culture & ceremony.

Turn me on!

Latest Releases

Mose Remix

Cacao (2023)

Haptik & EllaVie

Cacao (2023)


Tierra EP (2021)

Katzensprung 2023


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Gold Snake and Moons Illustration


I am an eternal student of life and in love with the great mystery. I’m fascinated by the art of letting go of allowing, embracing and surrendering to the magic of the moment.

I feel passionate about our humanity and the medicine of music.

I am in love with the sacred feminine & sacred masculine and here to embody these codes to share them with others in all my creations. I sing, I dance, I speak, I write & create in service to love and truth.

My work is deeply inspired by Life, Love, Yoga, Tantra, Shamanism, Feminine Embodiment & Sacred Intimacy.

I’m here to make you FEEL!

I’m here to make you come ALIVE!

What Drives me:

Growing up with a father that told us it wasn’t safe to be a woman in this world I quickly began to dissociate from my body and my emotions to live and experience the world through the filters of my mind. I went to university finished two degrees in Communication & Media and realized that what I was longing for which was truth wasn’t found in the system.

So 2009 I travelled to Mexico and found my heart in a spiritual awakening. My materialistic world view fell into a million pieces and I was guided into the depth of my own Soul through the medicine of plants and shamanic and tantric teachings. Now I am deeply driven to bring emotional intelligence and humanness back to this plane of existence.

Yoga, Embodiment & Emotional Alchemy have been my tools to ground my expansive states of consciousness into this reality and into my human. I am still in the process of fully unleashing my creative channels to share my truth and love through writing and music.

I hold ceremonial spaces, workshops & retreats for those who long to reconnect to their authentic self and their emotional intelligence.

Wanna know more?

I am Libra Sun, a Virgo Moon, a Capricorn Rising. Both my Sun & Moon are in the 8th House of Scorpio. My Venus, MC & Pluto are in Scorpio & I am in love with a Scorpio man Sun & Rising.

I am a Fire Tiger in Chinese astrology and an 8 in Numerology.

I am a Solar Warrior in the Mayan cosmology here to provoke and question.

I am a 5.1. Generator in HD and driven to make this world a better place.

I love depth and I avoid small talk: “Go deep or go dancing!”

I truly believe that we are all better guided and lead from within.

In my work I encourage people to tune in and to listen. But also to name and claim their truth and take action. I feel the biggest medicine that that this world needs right now is our humanness and our real and raw authentic self expression. So when I hold spaces I am there with my whole Human & Soul.

Little can be shared through words. If you long to connect deeper let’s meet in real life.


So many amazing beings have inspired and influenced my work, writings and my way of life. Here are only some to honor their magic, love and friendship:

Yoga (Krishnamacharya): Ganesh, A.G. & Indra Mohan, Rod Stryker, Mark Whitwell

Tantra & Sacred Intimacy: Baba Fantasi, Iya Omitola, Kachenka Foltova, John Wineland

Shamanism: Taita Juan, Sabine Cihuatlcoatl, Berenice Becerril

Music & Voice: Maywa, Nessi Gomes, Uria Tsur

What I share is a fusion of these influences and my personal embodiment. While I honor the importance of tradition and their teachings my work is a synthesis of all I found to be true for me. Life, Love, Nature, my loved ones and all the people, who sit with me in circles, ceremonies, workshops and retreats keep on inspiring me and all that I share. The following writings serve the ones who long to become vessles for truth and transformation. They are written with the intention to remember:


Cacao EBook

Embark on a transformative journey into the magic of Cacao and the art of holding space with my latest E-Book. Delve into a heartfelt exploration and this step-by-step guide to create safe and brave spaces for healing and transformation. Immerse yourself into shamanic wisdom, tapping into the elemental forces of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space as guiding lights for your Cacao ceremonies. Empower yourself and your community and unleash the mystic within.

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Buy The Ebook


" i came across EllaVie's Magic on a Festival. I was stunned and so touched how authentic she held the entire room. This book is a magical guideline for me and encourages to create own your Spaces, to spread this kind of raw and real feminine power we can call our own. Easy to understand, with so many practices. It is a guideline to find those feminine qualities again, since a lot of them are sometimes deeply buried in us. I highly recommend this to all our sisters out there, who want to be inspired by EllaVi's magic, to find new paths, routines, practices or want to create and build up their own women spaces. She also shares her unique Cacao Recipe with us. Thank you, sitster for sharing your love and wisdom." -Loriana S.


Die 7 Weiblichen Archetypen

Die Workbooks zu den 7 weiblichen Archetypen sind aus dem tiefen Wunsch heraus entstanden die Frauen in meinem Leben zu empowern ihr volles weibliches Potenzial zu entfalten. Sie sind Teil des Deep Dives zu den 7 weiblichen Archetypen. Während ich die Workbooks schreibe tauche ich selbst tief in das Spektrum des jeweiligen Archetypen ein. Aus den Tiefen der Schattenfrequenz bis hin zur lichtvollen Verkörperung ihrer Essenz nehmen sie mich während des Schreibens mit auf die Reise. Diese Workbooks sind meine eigene Medizin und ein magisches Tool, um die Kraft von Shakti in dein Leben zu bringen.

Workbook - Das Mädchen

Lass die Magie des Mädchens durch dieses Workbook in dir lebendig werden. Erfahre wer das Mädchen ist und was sie ausmacht. Entdecke mit Journaling und Meditationen deine innere Welt. Integriere die Schattenanteile des Mädchens in dir und erwecke ihre Essenz durch Embodiment Practices zum Leben. Folge intuitiv deinen Impulsen und befreie die wilde kreative Seite in dir. Feiere die kleinen und großen Schritte deiner Reise und bringe die Lebensfreude, Kreativität und Leichtigkeit mit diesem Workbook zurück in ein Leben.

Workbook - DIe Liebende

Lass die Magie der Liebenden durch dieses Workbook in dir lebendig werden. Erfahre wer sie ist und was sie ausmacht. Entdecke mit Journaling und Meditationen deine innere Welt. Integriere die Schattenanteile der Koabhängigkeit in dir und erwecke ihre Essenz der puren Liebe durch Embodiment Practices. Feiere die kleinen und großen Schritte deiner Reise und bringe Sinnlichkeit, Lust, Liebe und Leidenschaft und mit diesem Workbook zurück in dein Leben.

Workbook - DIe Wilde Frau

Lass die Magie der Wilden Frau durch dieses Workbook in dir lebendig werden. Erfahre wer sie ist und was sie ausmacht. Entdecke mit Journaling und Meditationen deine innere Welt. Integriere die Schattenanteile der Ohnmacht in dir und erwecke das Feuer deiner Selbstliebe, deiner Leidenschaft und deiner persönlichen Bestimmung mit Embodiment Practices. Feiere die kleinen und großen Schritte deiner Reise und bringe mit diesem Workbook deine Authentizität, Selbstwirksamkeit, Kraft und deine persönliche Bestimmung zurück in dein Leben.


Prize Label tag Coming Soon


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Tauche in die Magie der 7 weiblichen Archetypen ein.

Das Mädchen

Die Libende

die Wilde Frau

A mystic goddess appearing out of a stormy sea
Sensual woman lying on bed
Young Woman in the Wild Jungle

Die Mutter

Die Königin

Die Weise

Royal Queen

Die Mystikerin

Woman Shaman


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